Thursday, November 1, 2007

If Internet is an indication of Momentum then Huck is rolling...


Market Share
1. 36.59%
2. 29.9%
3. 11.17%
4. 8.72%
5. 6.08%
6. 4.84%
7. 2.7%


Sue Davids said...

Huckabee is in need of signed petitions to be filed in December in order to get on the primary ballot in Virginia. If you want to get involved, contact our state ballot coordinator, David John at

Andrew said...

I was unable to find contact information on your blog, so I am passing this on to you here:

We would like you to post about the pledge for Huckabee.

Contact us if you have any questions. said...

'Aliens For Mike Huckabee'
T-Shirts, Hats, Stickers, Mugs, Buttons, Magnets, Bags, Mousepads, Postcards, Teddy Bears, Yard Signs, and more are available at:

Show your Support for Mike Huckabee!!!

ssbritt said...

The Fair Tax has been call a .23 cent National Sales Tax and has been stated to provide prebates for just the the poor and middle class..This needs to be corrected..Like I will do below..

When you're a worker "The Fair Tax" ensures that you get your GROSS PAY with NO deductions.. Everybody gets a Prebate Check based on the amount of dependents in your household..A family of 4 gets $500.00 every month..If you draw a Social Security Check now, you'll get the Prebate Check as well.

As a consumer "The Fair Tax" will keep retail prices close to what they are now. The .23% federal tax is imbedded within the price of only NEW items..USED items are NOT taxed at all..Sorta like when we buy gasoline at the pump, the fed tax is imbedded or as some would say, included in the retail price..

As a retailer, your wholesale price should go down roughly .22 percent from what you are paying now..This may not seem like enough revenue, but the retailer is projected to sell more goods or services..This plan is revenue neutral and will strengthen Social Security..

I hope this helps some people out there and nobody will have the right to complain about this economy if Mike Huckabee does NOT get nominated..America take some time to read the FAIR TAX book and also the NEW FAIR TAX book coming out next week..THE TRUTH..

Lets see you have a family of 4 and their is a candidate running for president that's behind a FAIR TAX program that will give you $500.00 prebate check every month for your family..This candidate also states that the FAIR TAX will ensure your get your GROSS paycheck with no deductions..The IRS gets abolished and all your savings and investments will won't be taxed either..Would you really have to ask too many more questions?

There is only one candidate that had the courage to support this program..His name is "Mike Huckabee"!!

Check this out..

Leslie Robert Ulmer III said...

other than being a Christian, why are you supporting Mike Huckabee?

He has a history of flip-flopping on issues, he has a history of taking bribes, no economic experience, no FOREIGN policy experience....

Ron Paul addressed his "fair tax" in the Fox News debate.... "you can't cut taxes unless you change foreign policy first." How can we borrow billions of dollars from China and cut taxes while being in war in Iraq and threatening of war in Pakistan and Iran.

Change foreign policy before you can touch taxes. It's common sense.

Ron Paul 2008

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

I thought you might be interested in our new Huckabee video, "A Call to Texans." You can view the video here:

Please post this on your blog and pass it on to all your friends in Texas!